Kappa Delta held their 2022 Formal on Friday, April 8th at Rat Pak Venue in downtown Lafayette. This event took much planning by council members, particularly by Cami Howard and Caitlin Clark. One of the less serious details was that of the Las Vegas theme! The venue was decked out in black and red details from the sheet sign, to the inflatable dice, and to table decorations throughout.
This year's formal was special as KD had not been able to have a traditional formal for the past two years due to Covid. I could certainly feel the excitement some of the older girls had about returning to normalcy. Just like mine, this was many of their first times attending formal! During most of the event, girls could be seen dancing with their date and friends. This was definitely my favorite part of the night! There were also card games set up on the tables that some groups were playing while taking a break from the dance floor. As sorority girls do, lots of us took pictures with the sheet sign and string light background that were in the room.
Overall, I think that this event went exceptionally well! I know I had lots of fun dancing, singing, and being with my friends! The council members organized the event perfectly and it seemed to go smoothly- at least from an outside perspective! :) Events like these make me even more grateful for my sisters and remind me why I went KD!